1>>Cutest @ JbBOY_Bush Blasta (Bunty)_ GIRL_(aur -)_Balich_(Bublie
2>>MoSt HanDsOme/MoSt BeauTiFul @jbBOY_TropicalMoon(yes I'm being biased
well my bro is 6"2, blue green eyes with Suhail Khan like body Mashallah
and yes girls he is already taken )_ GIRL_Every girl is gorgeous, you don't need to see their picture to know that
3>>Funniest @ JbBOY_hmmmm_ GIRL_I think Sall has a sarcy kind of humour
4>>Nicest @ JBBOY_Maha Raja/WOL/Shahenshah/SRK_ GIRL_HritikzGirl/SabzPari/Balich/Moonlight_
5>>BIggEsT FlIRt @ JBBOY_They wouldn't dare_ GIRL_They couldn't care
6>>SmaRteSt @ JbBoY_boys are smart?_ Girl_Sall/Balich_
7>>MoSt InnOcEnT @ JbBOy_Bush Blasta_ GIRL_hmmmm not sure_
8>>MoSt CrEatIve @ JbBOY_Awwaaara_ GIRL__
9>>MoSt PoEtiC @ JbBOY_don't read poetry much_ GIRL_-_
10>>Most LikeLy To See EvEryDaYBOY_SRk and yoyo seem to always be online when I am_ GIRL_Moonlight I think
11>>Most Likely TO SuccEedBOY_________ GIRL____________
succed in what?
12>>Most Likely 2 be LeaderBOY_________ GIRL____________
leader of what/who?
13>>Most LikeLy 2 be a WriterBOY_well not Athar
_ GIRL_I'm already a journal published writter
14>>Best CouPleBOY_________ GIRL____________
couple of whats?
15>>BeSt FrIenDsBOY_
_ GIRL_me and turpti
16>>EntertainerBOY_Shahenshah _ GIRL_not sure_
17>>MOsT RESPECtedBOY_WOL_ GIRL_every gal here is respected in this forum
18>>Most KnowLeDgAble AbOut IsLamBOY____not sure_____ GIRL____cant decide________
19>>Jb's ClAss CloWnBOY_________ GIRL____________
20>>BeSt SiGnAtUrEBOY_Maha Raja/King of JB_ GIRL_Balich makes awesome sigs
21>>BeSt AvATarBOY_Maha Raja_ GIRL_Balich__
finish later....